• +98 (21) 88 77 12 89
  • info@pipeline-technologies.com
  • 29 Abbaspour St., Vanak Sq., Tehran, Iran

Our Services

PTC’s experienced pipeline integrity team will get you in the rule and keep you in the rule. Our experts provide carefully tailored integrity strategies that solve your specific challenges within your corporate framework and budget. We have every discipline under one roof performing full-service integrity management services including program development, ILI assessment and analysis, data validation, risk analysis, corrosion evaluation, integrity engineering and integrity field services.
The need for accurate comprehensive analysis of pipeline integrity data is of the utmost importance to ensure you can make informed and accurate decisions about safely operating and maintaining your Pipelines.
We help pipeline operators to assess the integrity and remaining life of valuable Oil & Gas pipelines either subsea or onshore and to plan effective inspection and maintenance strategies. These objectives are influenced by a range of legal and financial factors, including but not limited to: – compliance with legislation and company policies – maximizing asset value and production targets – operational life extension – centralized approach for pipeline integrity management. The ultimate driver for us is to help our customer’s balance these factors and make informed decisions to ensure that they meet their business targets while maintaining a safe and reliable pipeline base that does not harm the environment.